Jun 29, 2021
Care Opinion is a social enterprise which gives citizens a platform to air their views and opinions on health and care services. It aims to make care services better for everyone.
Fraser Gilmore, Head of Scotland at Care Opinion tells us more about its aims and how it works.
Music Credit: Make...
Jun 16, 2021
What is the historical understanding of Gypsy/Travellers and what has the relationship been between social work and Gypsy Traveller communities?
In this webinar recording, Annie Bryant, a criminal justice social worker based in Dumfries and Galloway, shares her knowledge gained from personal experiences, being a dual...
Jun 7, 2021
Near Me in Social Services is a project Iriss has been leading in partnership with the NHS Near Me team and the Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme over Autumn/Winter 2020/21. The project is producing new evidence around the priorities, enablers and challenges of using video consulting in social...