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Research, projects and events on topics related to social work and social care. 

Transcripts of episodes. 

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Dec 18, 2013

In December 2013, spoke to Sandra Gyaltsen, Learning and Development Officer at Dumfries and Galloway Council, and Jane Kellock, Senior Manager - Children and Early Intervention at West Lothian Council, on the subject of mindfulness and its application to social services practice.

Mindfulness Association...

Dec 17, 2013

Plan P: New approaches to prevention with older people, is an Iriss project which addresses the issue of social isolation and loneliness amongst older people. Each quarter the advisory group records a group discussion about a related aspect of prevention. This is the first discussion - 'What does prevention mean in...

Dec 9, 2013

A discussion about the theory and practice of risk assessment and risk management in youth justice hosted by Mark McSherry, Head of Development with the Risk Management Authority. Taking part are Lorraine Johnstone (a consultant clinical and forensic psychologist), David Orr (a Social worker with Edinburgh...

Dec 9, 2013

Able Radio's Michael McEwan provides a roundup of news and events for people with disabilities. Third of the series.
International Day of Disabled People 2013 Able Radio Trend Spotting / Social Care Ideas Factory

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For...

Nov 27, 2013

Dr Katharine Dill, lecturer at Queen's University Belfast and founding Executive Director of PART (Practice and Research Together) spoke at Iriss's sixth annual AGM on 27 November 2013.

Her presentation was entitled, 'The little engine that could': creating, building and sustaining a Canadian-based knowledge exchange...