Mar 27, 2013
Iain Ferguson, Professor of Social Work and Social Policy at University of the West of Scotland, gives his inaugural lecture on the impact of welfare reform on people's lives, and argues that a different kind of social work is required to respond to the crisis. It was recorded on 27 March 2013.
Crisis, austerity and the...
Mar 18, 2013
On 18 March 2013, attended the 5th Scottish Recovery Network National Gathering, on the theme of Recovery 2020: A vision achieved? It featured a number of short presentations (in Pecha Kucha format) by representatives of various mental health disciplines, which was followed by a keynote presentation from...
Mar 7, 2013
On 5 March 2013 Highland Council ran an event to share stories about the positive impact of local community initiatives and services. Moira Paton of NHS Highland opened the event by setting the context before keynote speaker, Angela Catley of Community Catalysts, recounted inspirational stories of what can happen...
Mar 1, 2013
New technologies and child protection. On 1st March 2013, attended the 'New technologies and child protection' conference which was held at the Scottish Police College in Tulliallan. It was hosted by WithScotland in partnership with the Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre and Youth Justice National...
Mar 1, 2013
Foetal alcohol syndrome and looked after children. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder affects many of our looked after, accommodated and adopted children. This complex and emotive topic was explored at a Scottish Attachment in Action seminar held in Edinburgh on 22 February 2013. We asked Paul Gilroy, Chair of SAIA, about...