Sep 28, 2018
Michael McEwan speaks to Ethan Young, Civic Participation Officer at Inclusion Scotland about Access to Politics, a project which aims to support disabled people into politics.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott...
Sep 26, 2018
Michelle Drumm speaks to Emma Scott, who was the winner of the Bright Spark Award at the Scottish Social Services Awards in 2018. This award aims to recognise a young person who is excelling in the work they do in the sector.
Since leaving high school in 2014, Emma began an apprenticeship at Peartree Nursery in East...
Sep 19, 2018
Michael McEwan speaks to Jill Keegan, Community Development Adviser with Outside the Box, an equalities charity that focuses on community development support across Scotland and the UK.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott...
Sep 12, 2018
Talking Social Work was an event held on 13 September 2018 to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 - to celebrate, reflect on the journey so far and look to the future.
Colin Turbett, qualified as a social worker in 1978 and spent the next 37 years in urban and rural front line fieldwork...
Sep 12, 2018
Talking Social Work was an event held on 13 September 2018 to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 - to celebrate, reflect on the journey so far and look to the future.
Jane Martin, Chief Social Work Officer at Dundee City Council reflects on her social work journey, the changes she's seen...