Feb 7, 2019
The People-led Policy Panel is a group of people who are working together to reform adult social care support in Scotland. The initiative is supported by Scottish Government.
Michelle from Iriss has a conversation with Deirdre Henderson, People-led Policy Officer at Inclusion Scotland about the set up, aims and...
Nov 26, 2018
Co-production Week (#CoProWeekScot) was held from the 19-25 November and provided an opportunity to learn, discuss and celebrate how co-production puts people and communities at the heart of the support and services they're part of.
Iriss.fm spoke to Sam Jordan from the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) about...
Feb 19, 2015
This is the fourth in a series of recordings on the topic of co-production and improvement methodology. Shaun Maher, Improvement Advisor at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, gives his views on co-production and improvement methodology and details the work he has been involved in which combines the two approaches.
Feb 11, 2015
This is the final episode in a series of five on the subject of co-production and improvement methodology. Susan Hannah, Head of Improvement - Raising Attainment for All, speaks about the improvement work she has been involved in. She began her career in the health sector and now focuses on applying...
Feb 6, 2015
This is the first in the series of recordings on the topic of co-production and improvement methodology. Catriona Ness, Organisational Development Lead, Health and Social Care Integration and Coaching at NHS Tayside; and Jackie Doe, Project Manager for Perth and Kinross Healthy Communities Collaborative give...