Jun 21, 2012
On 22 June 2012, Iriss.fm attended the ninth Care Accolades ceremony, to interview some of those involved in the inspiring projects nominated in the ten categories of award. Nearly 220 people gathered for the ceremony in Perth, attended by Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell, and hosted by...
Jun 19, 2012
Mary McKenna interviews Barbara Godden about her experience of contact with the birth family of her adopted children, now in their teens. Mary is an independent social work consultant. Barbara is member of the SAIA committee, works with Adoption UK and is the mother of two children she fostered from birth. She talks...
Jun 10, 2012
Richard Ingram, a lecturer in Social Work at the University of Dundee, is completing a PhD on “Emotions in Social Work Practice”. He has recently published a paper in the British Journal of Social Work looking at the role of emotional intelligence in social work. Iriss's Ian Watson talked to Richard, via Skype,...
Jun 6, 2012
Julia Brannen, Professor of the Sociology of the Family at the University of London, Institute of Education, is a leading international scholar in the fields of family life, work life and intergenerational issues.
In this lecture at the Glasgow School of Social Work on 7 June 2012, Professor Brannen explores what we...