Jan 25, 2008
The title Traditional - You Tell Me challenges thinking in relation to Police training. There is a perception that still exists about traditional, old fashioned methods in the way that officers are trained and groomed for service. Nothing, in this modern day could be further from the truth.
Current training and...
Jan 25, 2008
The wholesale movement of nursing education into higher education is now a decade old. The catalyst was Project 2000, which was a vision, not only a professional qualification, but an academic one, the diploma in higher education. A review of the literature, however, identifies how the nursing curriculum has always been...
Jan 24, 2008
The everyday experience of practice is rich in potential for learning, as practice educators (student supervisors) are well aware. However, there are considerable barriers to the systematic and sensitive collection of these experiences, with the result that much potential learning is lost.
Mark Doel will analyse the...
Jan 24, 2008
Alex Wilson, will cover how BT puts learning at the heart of its business and uses this to develop its talent and leadership capability. Alex will explain the philosophy of learning in BT, how it is systematically integrated to the business objectives and tracked and measured against business drivers. He will talk...
Jan 17, 2008
Save the Children's recent research estimates that 90,000 children in Scotland live in severe poverty. Douglas Hamilton, Head of Policy and Research, will provide an overview of Save the Children's recent work in this area focussing on the Poverty Premium and access to services. He will also draw attention to some of...