Feb 19, 2010
Part of the Iriss Masterclass series, David Gurteen - talks
about the Gurteen Knowledge Cafe.
David Gurteen
With over 30 years experience working in high-technology industries, David today works as an independent knowledge educator and coach – helping people in organisations to share their knowledge more freely; to be more creative and innovative and to work more effectively together.
He is the founder of the Gurteen Knowledge Community (a global learning network of over 14,000 people in 153 countries) and publishes the Gurteen Knowledge Website (a resource website containing book reviews, articles, people profiles, etc.)
David is a frequent speaker and facilitator, and is particularly well known for the knowledge cafés that he runs regularly in London and in other cities around the world.
Taking these ideas forward
Setting up and running a Knowledge Cafe
If you are interested in setting up a knowledge café there are
plenty of details on David Gurteen's website.
An alternative format to the Knowledge Café is the World Café – which places more emphasis for using it as a platform for public participation.
How to ask questions
Knowing how to ask questions and what type of questions to ask, are
important to both Knowledge Cafes and World Cafes. Here are some
tips on different types of questions.
Some further reading
David Gurteen recommends several books during his lecture including the Cluetrain Manifesto to read more about the concept of Web 2.0 – a term associated with web applications that open, collaborative and about sharing information.
He also recommends Conversation by Theodore Zeldin to hear more about how he has emphasised the importance of interesting conversations. Malcolm Gladwell's most recent book Outliers is also recommended.
David Gurteen's own website contains extensive resources on knowledge management, learning and creativity.
Recorded Composing the Future, Innovation by Design, Glasgow.
Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void