Dec 17, 2014
Michael McEwan of Able Radio in conversation with Emma Hill about the East Project in East Renfrewshire. The project is run by Enable Scotland to support people with disabilities into employment.
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Journeys back into work: a series of case studies on supported...
Dec 16, 2014 visited the Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living which hosts Go4IT. Go4IT is a digital inclusion service for adults with disabilities who are supported by Quarriers. We spoke to Diane Webb, Digital Inclusion Lead at Quarriers about how the Go4IT programme began and the type of courses it provides. Diane...
Dec 5, 2014
Theraplay is a child and family therapy aimed at enhancing and building attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement. Edwina Grant opened the Scottish Attachment in Action Conference in December 2014 by explaining the importance of play - the building block of human development - and the...
Dec 1, 2014
Fit for the Future is a project dedicated to inspiring better outcomes for older people in Scotland by working with providers from the independent sector. This is a round-table reflection on the work in Argyll and Bute. The project brought together providers, commissioners and key strategic leads in local authority and...
Nov 24, 2014
In this episode, Michelle Drumm from Iriss has a conversation with Gill Phillips (the creator of Whose Shoes?®) and Ken Howard (a media ambassador for people with dementia) who were up in Scotland from 20-24 October to attend the European Alzheimer's Conference, and to also run Whose Shoes?® events in Dundee and...